And we begin!

The year is 2018 and I had some time to kill at work.......

I love Parma Violets and I'm honestly wondering how long I can say that name until I get a brand rep coming after me, anyway, hello there, I made this game back in 2018 and after a recent hard drive salvage I found it again!

So yeah, it was 2018 and we had a game jam going on for the students and I thought I would join in for my own amusement, was getting close to Christmas I think so there were a lot of sweets around and my personal favourite are, well, yeah it's Parma Violets.

It then just kinda snowballed from there, an endless runner/flyer where you save parma violets heading down a never ending throat and along the way, shooting food stuffs and avoiding red flashing anti acid tablets, a small time waster I guess but here I am in 2021 and I actually want to update it a little so here we are, this is the initial release, all I've done is converted the project to UE4.26 and published the build!

So with that said, you can't current exit without forcing it to exit and the lives on the main menu is broken for now but I'll probably fix that up into a drop down when you start the game or something, who knows.

Anyway, thanks for checking out this weird thing I made!

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